21 Gemenc


A large stretch of the Danube flood-plain, north of the town of Baja. The IBA covers a complex of habitats, including backwaters, marshes, meadows and both softwood and hardwood flood-plain forest, although approximately half of the forested area consists of plantations of non-native poplar Populus.

Location and size

Birdlife IBA Code : HU010
Location: Hungary, Bács-Kiskun, Tolna
Central coordinates: 18.45 East 46.07 North
Altitude: 78-97m, average: 88m
Area: 17,839 ha


Forest 40%
Grassland 10%
Wetland 10%
Artificial landscapes (terrestrial) 40%

Click to see


Common birds

Source: 1) Lovászi Péter (editor): Javasolt különleges madárvédelmi területek Magyarországon, Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, 2002; 2) BirdLife International: Important Bird Areas factsheet, 2012; 3) Králl Attila, Nagy Károly: Fontos Madárélőhelyek Magyarországon (Területek, kritériumok és minősítő fajok) MME Monitoring Központ, 2007; 4) www.hungarianbirdwatching.com Important Bird Area descriptions, 2004-2014